Jesus Hope Of Heaven
Jesus Hope Of Heaven
My Sister's Glory Poems
June 2017
My Sister's Glory Poems
June 2017
My sister was a precious Gem, her heart won her many friends.
She was single yet an aunty and mother figure to all the children who knew her:
Sunday School kids and Music Students - they all had eyes and ears for her
and lots of hugs as well.
She loved to go on holidays close and far, she had a
spirit of adventure and always showed an interest in everyone she met from day
to day in her personal life......supermarket assistants, bank workers, people walking
in the parks. She was an excellent driver here or overseas, who would attempt
anything that gave her heart wings. She loved the hills and especially the beach.
Her love for Jesus was without question in so many ways, spreading His
fragrance wherever she went.
My Sister Sharon
My Sister Sharon
My sister is so beautiful
she really is a Gem
If ever you are needy
you would have her as your friend.
She really loves the scriptures
and is a precious picture
of the Beauty of The Lord
her precious heart affords.
She shows her gracious spirit
in everything she does
and gives a sweet reflection
of Jesus' precious Love.
She is my best example
of a heart entwined with His
One moment of her company
I really would not miss.
I cherish those moments with her
I thank God for her birth.
My Baby Sister
My Baby Sister
My baby sister, at the age of twelve
your blessings I would not keep on a shelf.
You had some here but many more there
truly they are beyond compare.
Reunited with Mum and bright like the sun
all your days are now, your journey is run.
I shall not fret for you are truly blessed
and blessings sent here are manifest.
For I notice a difference in my days
when I meditate and when I pray.
I'm conscious you're watching over me
my sister who loved the hills and sea.
Sharon's Attributes
Sharon's Attributes
Sharon was refreshment to one's soul
if you were upset, she made you feel whole.
She was full of energy and enthusiasm -
into life and people throughout her years.
She was coolness on a summer's day
and warmth in the winter.
She was so considerate and polite -
she often placed others before herself.
She always showed an interest in others
wherever she went
she gave encouragements Heaven sent.
She could make you smile and make you laugh
each day with Jesus she would start.
No wonder she is cherished and remembered
she was such a blessing from her birth.
She brought Jesus' Love to everyone
her ways were contagious and she was fun.
A word in due season she would give
she says to us now "Peace"
and let your hearts live.
A Heart To Bless
A Heart To Bless
These last few years were not easy for her
she gave us her best, she did not want us to fret.
Now she is in that Land of Delight
sadness and worry are out of sight.
But she cast them on Jesus, always on Jesus.
She would never weigh you down with cares or concerns
many things from her we could learn.
She always looked out for her sisters and brothers
she cherished memories like no other.
She brought lightness of heart right from the start
she never wanted to miss the mark
of the high calling in Christ
He was by her side.
Now her body's at rest and she is so blessed
beyond compare, beyond those stairs.
She's with her Mum now she has run
her Race with Grace
and she has Won!
Now There In Glory
Now There In Glory
Peace be to you Sharon and Peace be to us
and Joy, pure Joy, Blessing and Love
you always cared for us.
Now you can feast and sup and frolic
to your heart's content, skipping and singing
each moment bringing bliss.
You no longer miss your little Mum now young.
Yes you both have new strength and beauty there
not a worry, not a care
so free now, yes gloriously Free!
My Sister In Heaven
My Sister In Heaven
My Sister is in Heaven now from whence she was sent
She can run and leap and skip and dance
in her Homeland without relent.
Pure blessings are hers without any sorrow
not an hour of someone's time to borrow.
She had chosen vessels to meet her needs
they were so compassionate, now she is Free.
Free like the birds and butterflies
Free in that Land where no-one dies
she sings with the angels and she sings with our Mum
her heart is light and she shines like the sun.
She exchanged her abode for one Above
all is provided, what Wondrous Love.
Her Reward is unfolding each moment there
Promises Kept beyond compare.
Oh how we loved your precious heart
now you dance with the angels
and sing like a lark.
Now She Lives Free
Now She Lives Free
How precious to The Lord
is the passing of His children
It is not a punishment for lack of Faith
it is from this world a welcomed break.
It is the bell-boy that takes us to the Top Floor
to all those things we have longed for more.
Be comforted in His Presence dear
Mum's love and the angels are very near
soon you will see her and be clothed with mirth
and shed all the dross from this Earth
wakened in Glorious Splendor
to Glorious Peace and laughter.
Yes, you will bathe in the River of Life with Mum
endless days that shine like the Son.
There is no fear in that Land of Delight
no sadness, no pain, they're out of sight.
It's only the parting of loved-ones here
but you get to see others, you've not seen for years.
Soon those who love Jesus will be gathered up there
to the greatest Reunion beyond those stairs.
Blissful is the Hope that we share
brighter than diamonds very rare.
Birds and butterflies fill the air
lush green grass so soft to touch.
Flowers so colorful and hearts the are full
so measureless.
Do not fret precious Loved-one of ours
take Joy in Jesus - all things become New
wrapped in His Love so very True.
My Sister – God’s Gift
Sharon was a Gift from God
she walked where the patriarchs trod
With Jesus Grace upon her face
she brought cheer to those who were near
When her faith was tested
she always rested
In the Presence of God
on this earthly sod.
She kept her heart sweet as a lark.
She loved to sing and worship Him.
She gave assistance, there was no resistance
to the needs of others, her sisters and brothers.
She relinquished her will for His
surely she will not miss
Her Reward in Heaven where there is no leaven
no sorrow, no pain but all to gain
Reunited with Mum
her journey is run.
A Heart Of Compassion
My sister was truly one of a kind
she thought not much of her own needs
But yours and mine
she was always attending
Where she felt God was sending.
her ears were attentive
With pure incentive
if she could relieve someone’s distress
They could be at peace and also rest.
she knew the words that would cheer you up
She made our hearts to feast and sup.
she gave her best so others could rest.
She desired to bring Jesus Love
with the gentleness of a dove.
Our hearts were touched
for she loved much.
Her life and presence can still be traced
in the loving expressions
on each one’s face.
Sharon’s Heart And Life
Sharon treasured her memories
may we treasure her.
Since she was young, she had little treasures
gifts that she would give away
memoirs of different places she stayed.
She was always into life
making memories and touching lives
She had many friends, far and near
for she was one who brought good cheer.
Her presence was contagious and often sought
such blessings cannot be sold or bought
She loved the beach and she loved to teach
the children loved her, they were filled with mirth.
She gave them laughter and made things fun
her countenance was cheerful like the sun.
Mum brought her up like Poly-Anna
always finding something to be happy about.
They were inseparable to the end
they loved each-other and were the best of friends
Nothing in life could separate
‘till Mum reached those Pearly Gates
Now they’re together, blessings beyond measure
we will remember them ‘till our journey is run
And we go to meet them like the warmth of the sun
It shall be pleasant indeed
in the Land of the Free!
To me, Sharon's sweetness will be in the air we breathe, just to know
she walked this earth and has been ours because Mum had her.
Please do not fret because she has been ours for a time.
Her Blessings are many now she is FREE!
Please Respect, Each One Of The Above Poems Are Strictly Copyright To Myself For My Sister
Specially Worded For Her. There Are Many Poems Provided For You And Your Loved Ones On This Website
I Have Searched Tirelessly To Bring Your Way - Each One Has Been Selectively Chosen.
Janet Vargas ©