Jesus Hope Of Heaven
Jesus Hope Of Heaven
My Nephew's Glory Poems
March 2017
My Nephew's Glory Poems
March 2017
Allan was actually my nephew-in-law five years younger than me,
but he was my spiritual brother in Christ and closer than my natural
brothers. He was my closest friend - we were in daily converse with
each-other over the phone.
He did not have an easy life and he had a physical health challenge
but his heart was always towards people, using what giftings and talents
he had from Jesus to help anyone who needed help in some way.
He was a remarkably gifted man who could do anything he set his mind to.
He absolutely loved Jesus and was known for this - he was liked
and loved by everyone.
A Man Called Allan
A Man Called Allan
There was a man called Allan
he was gentle and wise.
He was so thoughtful
and touched so my lives.
He had a heart for others
and a helping hand
He employ his skills in a way
that could make you dance.
For he was so gifted
he could do many things
in your house or garden
such cheer he would bring.
The message of Jesus
embedded in his steps
If you were upset
he would help you not to fret.
His counsel was wise
it came from his heart.
He befriended strangers
and a new life they would start.
He set a perfect example of
the Love of God.
With a message of Peace
his feet were shod.
He will be missed. this friend of ours
If I told you everything
it would take hours!
My Friend and Brother
My Friend and Brother
There is nothing like a faithful friend
to them your heart and trust you lend.
Their compassion lasts more then a while
to walk with you those extra miles.
Allan was the best of brothers
he knew how to be like no other.
Now he's run the race and won
he's there beyond the moon and sun.
Endless days of pure sweet Heaven
in that Land where there's no leaven.
No sadness but gladness
no strife but Life.
Yes, life Eternal with his King
now he laughs and shouts and sings.
All these Victories Jesus won
freely given, now Allan has fun.
If you wish for such a brother
Jesus is the closest I know!
A Gentle Man
A Gentle Man
He did not walk an easy walk
but he knew what it was to walk the talk
He had a handful of leases on life
he spent them on others
and took things in his stride.
He spoke words of kindness
to each one's heart
he would teach you to make
a fresh new start.
His body was week but his spirit was strong
he was patient and caring the whole day long.
He was the best of confidants
so understanding, he would give you a chance.
He kept people's secrets many times
he had a heart to encourage
and make you flourish.
Such a precious man, this Allan of ours
reflections of him can take hours.
True Brother and Friend
True Brother and Friend
He was my brother and forever-friend
the memories of him shall never end.
He would steer you away
from heartache and strife
If he saw any possibility of them
he would guard you for life.
He had different challenges in family
and in health
but your needs he could not put on a shelf.
He would guide you safely to the haven of prayer
a sure place of refuge, he declared.
"Some bring you gladness and then bring you pain"
his wisdom astounded time and again.
He would lift many up when they were down
and be the best friend they could find around.
He was my true brother and friend for life.
Such a Gifted Man
Such a Gifted Man
Let me tell you about Allan
an endearing friend
a precious acquaintance
time well spent.
He was a craftsman of cabinets and hearts
his works were always sure to last.
He put timber together in a way you treasure
he put hearts together in his leisure.
His heart was always for others
yes, such a brother
if you needed a friend, his ear he would lend.
His words were wise and often surprised.
He had forgiveness rare
now he lives beyond those stairs.
His heart was always in one accord
now he Rejoices with Jesus
his Risen Lord
and ALL the Blessings Heaven affords!
A Man of Prayer
A Man of Prayer
Allan was a man of prayer
he talked to his Friend and Savior upstairs.
He lived only always for his King
yet this was expressed towards others
such help and cheer he would bring.
Seldom has there been someone so wise
who could fill your face with a big surprise.
He had the right answer many times
he would let you know and things would be fine.
He had not family to hug and feel close
the ways of Jesus is what he chose.
He poured affection on others, his sisters and brothers
in the household of God on this earthly sod.
He went to a Home Church and new Hope was birthed
and when they praised Jesus it felt like mirth.
Short of breath, he would join in
each time his spirit was filled to the brim.
Allan we love you!
A True Example
A True Example
Allan was always happy for his sisters and brothers
he would always rejoice with them like no other.
Often he could not make it to the next room
you would not want to be in his shoes.
But the very first breath he would spend on Jesus
and show others He came to free us.
Often he managed to be up and about
when a new lease on life
the devil would clout.
He had inner strength very rare
and a train of thought fine and fair.
He said "anytime, we can choose how we feel"
He was quietly spoken but he had zeal.
He knew the art of quietness to bring brightness
lost in prayer with his Maker Upstairs.
Allan, you're example of Hope
even on our mountain slopes.
We think of you
Blessings for Allan
Blessings for Allan
Allan walked with the Friend of Friends
Praise gatherings he would often attend.
Rain or shine, he loved to be there
with his intimate friends, such blessings they shared.
We loved him so much, he was a delight
he was so precious in God's sight.
If you were in need, he would be around
with his giftings that did often astound.
It wouldn't matter what the task
you only had to call and ask.
Now he's Home in Heaven with his Lord
Jesus has for him a Sure Reward.
He can laugh and dance and shout and sing
in the Land of his Savior Friend and King.
He was also color-blind. Can you imagine his JOY when he saw
everything in true COLOR? Brothers and sisters Jesus has sent
back to us say that in Heaven, Colors are gloriously Vivid.
And Allan's rewards are many I'm sure!
Please Respect, Each One Of The Above Poems Are Strictly Copyright To Myself For My Nephew
Specially Worded For Him. There Are Many Poems Provided For You And Your Loved Ones On This Website
I Have Searched Tirelessly To Bring Your Way - Each One Has Been Selectively Chosen.
Janet Vargas ©